
Code Of Ethics
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Business Approach
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Business Approach

Global Knowledge - Local Expertise

ERA works with clients to enhance the value they receive from suppliers.

ERA’s analysts know where to look and use our vast experiences and worldwide databases of supplier pricing information to benchmark clients' cost management requirements.

We know what the market has to offer and the options that would best match our clients' needs.

We know how to negotiate the lowest prices with existing or alternative service providers, without our clients compromising quality and value.

This is because we have up-to-date knowledge of the process improvement opportunities available in the local marketplace and have aggregated purchasing influence which can often bring further competitive advantage to supplier negotiations.

We do this without any compromise to the existing quality of the product or the level of service you receive. On the contrary you’ll usually see a sustained improvement.

Savings and Improved Processes

ERA clients receive a great number of benefits, from the obvious, such as reduced prices paid for goods and services, enhanced leverage in negotiations with suppliers and improved inventory management, to less obvious pluses.

These include improved cost-analysis and management tools, improved compliance with corporate contracts and the fact that staff remains focussed on strategic tasks. ERA also offers exposure to, and the introduction of, new ideas, technologies and trends, to help enhance competitive advantages.

Specific Long-Term Solutions

Every solution for every company is different, because every solution is specific to that company’s requirements and goals.

From creating a profit culture within your organisation to cost management, ERA provides a comprehensive service that’s TOTALLY ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU.

ERA does not make short-term guesses about what might work for a company – its analysts make long term forecasts about what will work and then implement them with regular monitoring and review processes to ensure success.


The company offers complete accountability at a time when most business decision makers rate value for money as paramount, followed closely by select responsiveness and an ability to meet deadlines as another priority in choosing a consultant.

'No Risk' Service

Expense Reduction Analysts consultants works on a no savings - no fee performance basis. Our fees are charged only if we are able to reduce business costs in the areas we target.

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