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Save Money

Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) is the world’s leading specialists in the reduction of costs on essential items such as telecommunications, office supplies, printing, cleaning, energy, freight, insurance, bank fees, and many more areas.

ERA typically provides solutions which generate savings of between 15 and 25% without sacrifice to the quality and service for this overhead. In fact our clients usually see a vast improvement.

How does ERA save you money?

While all businesses have a corporate objective to improve profitability, few have the time or resources available to achieve this goal.

ERA offers an additional, dedicated, and impartial external resource.

We work with you to improve your company’s profitability and achieve your cost management objectives by understanding your supplier needs and supplying the most effective solution.

We provide an independent review of your company’s expenditure, examining potential 'profit leaks' and identifying areas for savings that, once achieved, can be used to fund business development, or to directly improve your bottom line.

ERA works on a 'no savings no fee' basis, but you’ll find that we bring more than just savings to your organisation.

Our team of experts will provide you with even better trained staff and long term effective administration services.
To see what our clients have to say
or to find out more about which overhead areas we specialise in


 Gauge Your Expenditure


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